
Name Position Phone Email
Ryan Osmundson Budget Director 406-444-3616
Amy Sassano Deputy Budget Director 406-444-0619
Ryan Evans Assistant Budget Director 406-444-3163
Brandy Itzel Executive Assistant 406-444-3616
Evelyn Davis Budget Compliance Specialist 406-444-3162
Brent Doig Lead Budget Analyst 406-444-3110
Ralph Franklin Lead Revenue Analyst 406-444-1337
Aimee Franks Senior Budget Analyst 406-444-1207
Nancy Hall Lead Budget Analyst 406-444-4899
Brian Hannan Lead Budget Analyst 406-444-7802
Jason Harlow Lead Budget Analyst 406-444-9848
Christine Hultin Lead Budget Analyst 406-444-3169
Michael McCarthy Budget Data Analyst 406-444-4405
Chet McLean Internal Controls Coordinator 406-444-4915
Angie Nelson Lead Budget Analyst 406-444-0054
Kevin Northey OBPP Intern
Sonia Powell Lead Budget Analyst 406-444-4588
Ben Ternes Senior Budget Analyst 406-444-3191
Christopher Watson Lead Revenue Analyst 406-444-1338
Errolyn Lantz Centralized Services Administrator 406-444-5518
Stacy Bruhn Application/Web Developer 406-444-5585
April Trumbo Accounting Technician 406-444-5565
Chuck Poland Network Systems Analyst 406-444-4539


Staff Responsibilities

Section A: General Government

Agency Analyst Back up
1104 Legislative Branch Sonia Powell Angie Nelson
1112 Consumer Counsel Sonia Powell Angie Nelson
3101 Governor's Office Amy Sassano Sonia Powell
3201 Secretary of State Sonia Powell Angie Nelson
3202 Commissioner of Political Practices Angie Nelson Sonia Powell
3401 State Auditor's Office Sonia Powell Brian Hannan
5801 Department of Revenue Angie Nelson Sonia Powell
6101 Department of Administration Sonia Powell Angie Nelson
6103 State Fund Sonia Powell Ryan Evans
6104 Public Employee's Retirement System Ryan Evans VACANT
6105 Teacher's Retirement System Ryan Evans VACANT
6501 Department of Commerce Angie Nelson Sonia Powell
6602 Department of Labor and Industry Angie Nelson Sonia Powell
6701 Department of Military Affairs Angie Nelson Sonia Powell

Section B: Public Health and Human Services

6901 Department of Public Health and Human Services Brian Hannan & Aimee Franks

Section C: Natural Resources and Transportation

5201 Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks Christine Hultin Brent Doig
5301 Department of Environmental Quality Christine Hultin Brent Doig
5401 Department of Transportation Christine Hultin Brent Doig
5603 Department of Livestock Jason Harlow Brent Doig
5706 Department of Natural Resources and Conservation Christine Hultin Brent Doig
6201 Department of Agriculture Christine Hultin Brent Doig

Section D: Judicial Branch, Law Enforcement & Justice

2110 Judicial Branch Brent Doig Christine Hultin
4107 Board of Crime Control Brent Doig Christine Hultin
4110 Department of Justice Brent Doig Christine Hultin
4201 Public Service Regulation Brent Doig Christine Hultin
6108 Office of the Public Defender Brent Doig Christine Hultin
6401 Department of Corrections Brent Doig Christine Hultin

Section E: Education

3501 Office of Public Instruction Nancy Hall Ben Ternes
3511-5 Colleges of Technology Ben Ternes Nancy Hall
5101 Board of Public Education Nancy Hall Ben Ternes
5102 Commissioner of Higher Education Ben Ternes Nancy Hall
Community Colleges Ben Ternes Nancy Hall
5103-8 Montana University System Units Ben Ternes Nancy Hall
5109 Montana Agricultural Experiment Station Ben Ternes Nancy Hall
5110 Montana Extension Service Ben Ternes Nancy Hall
5111 Forestry Experiment Station Ben Ternes Nancy Hall
5112 Montana Bureau of Mines Ben Ternes Nancy Hall
5113 School for the Deaf and Blind Nancy Hall Ben Ternes
5114 Montana Arts Council Nancy Hall Ben Ternes
5115 State Library Commission Nancy Hall Ben Ternes
5117 Montana Historical Society Nancy Hall Ben Ternes
5119 Fire Services Training School Ben Ternes Nancy Hall

Section F: Planning

Long-Range Planning Jason Harlow Christine Hultin


Revenue Monitoring & Forecasting Ryan Evans
Ralph Franklin
Christopher Watson
Brian Hannan

Statewide Issues

Internal Controls Coordinator Chet McLean
Statewide Issues and IBARS Jason Harlow
Single Audit Coordinator Sonia Powell
Chet McLean